
CNC Syntax Editor. G code. Standart G codes for lathes with various numerical controls (CNC)

Since version 2.0 our CNC Syntax Editor software supports syntax highlighting for all G and M codes from the table below. The trial or FREE version of our software you can download in the Download area. We are planning to add tooltips with comments for each G code or M code in the program interface in the next release. You can ask our support team for details about our software and is features.

Standart G code chart for lathes

G00 Positioning
G01 Linear interpolation
G02 Circular interpolation CW
G03 Circular interpolation CCW
G04 Dwell
G10 Offset value setting
G70 Inch data input
G71 Metric data input
G22 Stored stroke limit ON
G23 Stored stroke limit OFF
G27 Reference point return check
G28 Return to reference point
G29 Return from reference point
G30 Return to 2nd reference point
G31 Skip cutting
G33 Thread cutting
G34 Variable lead thread cutting
G36 Automatic tool compensation X
G37 Automatic tool compensation Z
G40 Tool nose radius compensation cancel
G41 Tool nose radius compensation left
G42 Tool nose radius compensation right
G92 Programming of absolute zero point (also: Maximum spindle speed setting)
G65 User macro simple caling
G66 User macro modal calling
G67 User macro modal call cancellation
G68 Mirror image for double turrets ON
G69 Mirror image for double turrets OFF
G72 Finishing cycle
G73 Stock removal in turning
G74 Stock removal in facing
G75 Pattern repeating
G76 Peck drilling in Z axis
G77 Grooving in X axis
G78 Thread cutting cycle
G20 Cutting cycle A
G21 Thread cutting cycle
G24 Cutting cycle B
G96 Constant surface speed control
G97 Constant surface speed control cancel
G94 Per minute feed
G95 Per revolution feed
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